MAURO LAW FIRMFiscal and Administrative Services

Tax and Administrative Management of companies, sole proprietorships, professionals

Our Tax and Administrative Services.

The Mauro Law Firm, with the help of qualified certified public accountants, engages in tax and administrative services tailored to meet the specific needs of Clients.

Experienced Professionals at Your Disposition

Our team of tax and administrative experts, providing personalized advice and tailored solutions to help you achieve your financial and operational goals. From bookkeeping to preparing and sending tax returns, we are committed to providing high quality services and reliable results in a timely and efficient manner.

Comprehensive Services to Meet Every Need

Whether it is opening a VAT number, managing tax accounting, preparing tax returns or electronic invoicing services, we provide professional assistance and support at every stage of your business journey. With a wide range of services and in-depth knowledge of tax and administrative regulations, we are committed to simplifying the complexities of the Italian tax system and ensuring compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

List of Services Offered:

– Opening VAT number and Chamber of Commerce procedures
– Tax Accounting: Simplified and Ordinary Regime for Individuals, Professionals and Companies
– Tax Statements and Filings: Income Form, VAT, IRAP, 770, etc.
– Electronic Invoicing Service: Drafting, Transmission, Receipt and Retention in compliance – Tax Assistance and Specialized Advice
– Fulfillments with the Internal Revenue Service, INPS, INAIL and SUAP.
– Management Control and Processing of Financial Statements
– Preparation and Telematic Submission of Intrastat Forms and Data on Transactions with Non-Residents
– Management of Operative Repayments and Telematic Sending of F24 Forms.

OURS.Areas of Intervention in Real Estate Law

Thus, the firm deals with:
Assistance and advice during the phase of <strong> negotiations aimed at the purchase and sale of real estate and </strong> related <strong> litigation phases </strong> (breach of contract, lawsuits for flaws, defects, non-conformities, ascertainment of the responsibility of professionals in the design / construction management, compensation for damages due to withdrawal of the client). The firm also receives assignments to handle real estate sales and/or purchases so as to avoid direct contact with brokerage firms.
Assistance and advice in negotiating and drafting <strong> contracts for buying and selling, development, management, leasing and financing, and joint vent </strong> ures with respect to any type of real estate for residential, commercial or industrial use, hotels and resorts, shopping centers.
Assistance and advice in negotiating and entering into <strong> preliminary contracts and deeds of sale, exchange, rent to buy </strong>
Assistance and advice in <strong> civil and compulsory mediation proceedings for the protection of real property </strong> (usucaption, claim of possession and ownership, defects in works, eviction, actions of claim, negatory, boundary settlement and affixation of terms, and notice of claim).
Servicing all aspects of real estate law from acquisitions and divestitures deeds of sale of individual properties or portfolios and special purpose vehicles, to real estate development, financing and real estate leasing.
<strong> Assistance and advice on real estate development </strong> and financing <strong> projects </strong> for buildings, shopping centers, residential complexes, hotel facilities, health care facilities and industrial plants.
Drafting of leases of residential, commercial, industrial properties.
<strong> Assistance and advice in critical stages of buying and selling </strong>, leasing <strong> relationships </strong> with assistance and preparation of related court documents
<strong> Assistance in the most common real estate lawsuits </strong> (bankruptcies, builder/seller liability, building defects, contracts and subcontracts, fitness for occupancy, building abuses and offenses, asbestos, contested use of property contrary to condominium regulations)
Assisting in arbitrations involving real estate issues.
Management and organization of real estate club deals. Groups of investors are therefore allowed to find the right formula for managing and raising financing aimed at the selected real estate transaction.
Assistance and advice in problems and disputes with brokers, real estate brokerage firms, and real estate agencies.
Assistance and advice for urgent management of critical situations of real estate companies: requests for negotiation, renegotiation; commercial lease reduction.
Assisting real estate brokers and agencies in cases of professional liability and disputes as well as recovery of commissions.
Assistance and advice for protection with respect to <strong> professional liability actions aimed at notaries, real estate agents, technicians . </strong>
Assisting <strong> real estate traders </strong> in <strong> optimizing investments . </strong>
Assistance and advice in <strong> professional liability actions against notaries, real estate agents, technicians . </strong>
Assisting owners of squatted properties and protecting their interests in both civil and criminal cases.

NEWSPAPERSPress Releases

With constant commitment and attention to the quality of service provided, we strive for excellence.

Lawyer Roberto Mauro – real estate lawyer

WHERE WE ARE.Milan - Piazza Cinque Giornate area

Our studio is also easily accessible by local public transportation.
Via Benvenuto Cellini 2/b - 20129 Milan (Mi)
+39 02 55184328


To request an appointment at our office or remotely you can call +39 02 55184328 or send an email or even fill out the form below.

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