Law Firm

MAURO LAW FIRMOrganization and Structure

Mauro Law Firm pays special attention to the efficiency of its organization as well as the speed of intervention and information provided to the Client.
For these reasons, the profiles listed below have been taken care of to the best of their ability.


Through information technology the activity of the professional is faster and more efficient, allowing the possibility of offering the client a better service as well as a faster and more complete flow of information.

The Mauro Law Firm uses advanced management software that is constantly updated as well as integrated with the innovations of the profession.

This operational methodology facilitates the work of professionals and allows for better control of activities, deadlines and archives. Also through connection with practitioners' mobile devices, it allows constant access to the firm's data.

Less time spent on organizing paperwork therefore allows for greater efficiency and, consequently lower costs for the Firm, which translates into lower costs for Clients.

Finally, it should be noted that the firm uses an online system for searching legislation, case law and doctrine that is always up-to-date and accessible in every location by practitioners.


Since its founding, the Mauro Law Firm has chosen to embrace and integrate the best information technology available.
The importance and usefulness of computerization of a law firm also assume relevance for Clients who in this way can enjoy a professional service:
- Qualified
- Accessible
- Quick
- Transparent.



The Mauro Law Firm makes full use of telematic procedures for access to justice, both for monitoring and consulting files and for filing all related documents.

With a view to the evolution of the telematics access service, the firm is adopting internal procedures that will enable the full potential of the system to be exploited as soon as it becomes fully and completely operational locally and nationally.



The owner of the Mauro Law Firm, Lawyer Roberto Mauro has taken out Policy No. ICNF000001.046853 with AIG Europe S.A. to guarantee the activity carried out and to protect its Clients for a maximum amount of Euro 1,000,000.00

OURS.Areas of Intervention

Advice and assistance in extrajudicial settings as well as technical defense activities in judicial settings.
Advice and assistance, judicial and extrajudicial, to protect property and possession, in real estate matters.
Legal advice and assistance in the protection of personal and corporate assets and the establishment of trusts and estate funds.
Unfair competition and damages, debt collection in favor of corporations, individuals and public agencies, litigation between corporations and shareholders.
Insolvency, legal protection of claims in bankruptcy proceedings in revocatory actions. Out-of-court, preventive and bankruptcy arrangements.
Legal assistance and advice, both judicial and extrajudicial in nature, in the various areas of inheritance law.
Advice and technical assistance in criminal matters is provided to suspects and defendants (adult and juvenile), offended persons and legal entities.
Advice and assistance, in and out of court, to protect both the entire condominium represented by its administrator and the individual condominium owner.
Advice and assistance, judicial and extrajudicial, to protect property and possession, in real estate matters.
Legal advice and assistance in the protection of personal and corporate assets and the establishment of trusts and estate funds.
Unfair competition and damages, debt collection in favor of corporations, individuals and public agencies, litigation between corporations and shareholders.
Insolvency, legal protection of claims in bankruptcy proceedings in revocatory actions. Out-of-court, preventive and bankruptcy arrangements.
Legal assistance and advice, both judicial and extrajudicial in nature, in the various areas of inheritance law.
Advice and technical assistance in criminal matters is provided to suspects and defendants (adult and juvenile), offended persons and legal entities.
Advice and assistance, in and out of court, to protect both the entire condominium represented by its administrator and the individual condominium owner.